Why me?

Height: 5'8"

Eyes: Brown, Gold, and Hazel

Hair: Dark brown, red undertone

Weight: well…

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Political affiliation: the middle

Degree: BA in Media, Culture, and Art ; Minor in Business Administration (Class of 2014)

Occupation: Producer of Watson: The Musical, Company Manager of Firebone Theatre, Nanny, Student at The King’s College

Location: New York City

I want to write about politics. I’m a 21-year-old art student with no official political experience. But I do have personal experience.

I grew up in a conservative home in North Texas for 19 years of my life. My parents homeschooled me for the first 10 years of my education, and I went to a Christian school affiliated with a Baptist church for the last 2 years.

I believed Democrats were insane and couldn’t believe in God. If you had a tattoo, I thought you were sexy, but I couldn’t say that out loud. Alcohol was necessarily addictive after one sip, and everyone had the right to be your conscience.

Then, I moved to the Northeast with the absolute encouragement of my family. I came out of the Feminist closet (I’ll discuss this later), I realized that the government does need to have a hand in helping people (markets can’t do it all), and I accepted that laws are not in place to support or preserve a singular religious code.

As you read my pieces, only give them the weight you would grant an op-ed in any newspaper. Understand that I’m not claiming any higher sense of truth or specialized knowledge. What I do hope you’ll see, though, is my heart to understand all perspectives. I want to put some humanity back into politics.

I don’t claim to be unbiased (because I don’t care what Fox News says, there’s no objective truth). All I claim to be is a person who sees the divide between the community of my roots and the community of my present. I hope to create a space for healthy dialogue and eye-opening insight for the diverse groups of people who follow me.

But most of all, I ask you to allow yourself to be held to the same standard I hold myself: truth and grace. Seek to find whatever truth you may in my words, and give me grace for the shortcomings I inevitably have. Hold yourself to some standard of truth for conviction, but give yourself grace for the moments when your humanity will overcome you.

I’m always available for further discussion via email. Let’s see where this journey takes us.


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