Is America the World’s Last Best Political Hope?

This question, of America being the world’s last and best hope, implies that the world is in need of hope—possibly salvation—because of a necessary political decline without some redeemer nation. It also necessarily implies that one nation is, be it America or not, a final hope. And finally, this question insinuates that there may be something remarkable about America’s regime to make it worth considering the world’s hope. Two of these statements are highly improbable and quite irrational, but one is true (though perhaps not for the reasons intended).

The possibility of the world needing a political savior seems not only probable, but also verifiably true. After all, the history of the world consists of generation after generation of leaders crippled by their sin and humanity, only occasionally overcoming their natures to provide justice for their communities. Because the likelihood of man being the only race on earth to govern the political sphere seems more likely than not, the world absolutely needs redemption and healing.

However, the prospect of any nation comprised of men solving the problems created and promulgated by men is unlikely. Even if the parameters for successfully being the hope of the world allow room for error, no political regime can be the deliverer of the entire world for the rest of history. Hence, the other two premises in this question are false. No nation can offer the panacea for political wrongs. It is simply impossible for man to conceive of a formula for hope in a depraved political environment. That requires supernatural intelligence of the past, present and future that no man can offer.

Even if we grant that no nation can redeem the world, and thereby lower the bar to merely find the nation that could best attempt a recovery, America would not necessarily be the perfect choice. From all of its political, economic, and military success, America developed quite an ego. Patriotism in the US is taught as an “us versus them” principle: be loyal to your nation because it is better than the rest. This mentality has lead to a weakening of the government because of its refusal to see blind spots and struggle to accept other cultures. Therefore, Americans do not have the humility or the knowledge to be the last best hope. A nation of so many factions, insecure in itself because of its growing hatred from other nations, cannot be responsible for leading the world toward a healthier future.

All nations will crumble, and America is not immune to that fate. Greece and Rome were mighty in their days. But even with the Pax Romana, politics could not be saved. America is losing its economic power and its military power as it weakens its nuclear defenses. It is no longer the most esteemed nation. The only place where man can rest his faith is in Christ. And if any political salvation were to come on earth by man, it would be from a collaborative effort and not a single nation.

What do you think? “Say hello” from the sidebar to give me your input.

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